Planning 101 – hit the road

Nulla in tristique nibh. Phasellus porttitor leo id risus commodo cursus. Aliquam tincidunt rutrum ante, eu vestibulum elit pharetra in.


What’s driving the need to for this activity, or the impetus maybe?
The rational might be something like…

“With the decision to expand sales activity in Canada, it makes sense to expand our Google keyword advertising into that market”

What do we want to achieve from this campaign?

This might include:

  1. Increase leads
  2. Improve brand awareness
  3. Generate sales

What do we want to achieve from this campaign?

This might include:

  1. Increase leads
  2. Improve brand awareness
  3. Generate sales

What do we want to achieve from this campaign?

This might include:

  1. Increase leads
  2. Improve brand awareness
  3. Generate sales

What’s driving the need to for this activity, or the impetus maybe?
The rational might be something like…

“With the decision to expand sales activity in Canada, it makes sense to expand our Google keyword advertising into that market”

What do we want to achieve from this campaign?

This might include:

  1. Increase leads
  2. Improve brand awareness
  3. Generate sales

What do we need to do, or what actions or activities need to happen?

Begin with the end on mind.  How will we know if we’ve been successful in hitting our objectives?
What do we need to put in place at the planning stage to measure those objectives?

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